AgriFutures On Air

Varroa Expert Interview Series: Topic 2 - Impacts of varroa on honey bee health

May 02, 2024 AgriFutures Australia Season 4 Episode 9

AgriFutures and Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) are unveiling a suite of Varroa focused resources. 

It’s the first Varroa communication activity that looks at how beekeepers can manage Varroa and remain productive and profitable, and it's all thanks to the AgriFutures Resilient Beekeeping in the Face of Varroa project! 

In this podcast episode we discuss honeybee health and the impacts of varroa with Associate Professor for Honey Bee health, Cameron Jack from the University of Florida.

Each week, we will be releasing another interview featuring global experts along with its accompanying podcast, factsheets and articles each addressing a different topic regarding varroa management  practices from around the world. 

Hosted on the Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) website, they will contribute to the sustainability of honey bee businesses and maintain our industry's reputation for clean, green Australian honey and advance our industry's resilience in the face of Varroa. 


Bianca Giggins, Varroa Coordinator, Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
Cameron Jack, Associate Professor for Honey Bee health, University of Florida.