AgriFutures On Air

Why seaweed is critical in our goal to reach net zero by 2050

Season 3 Episode 17

To meet the objective of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming by 2 °C, it is clear that at-scale carbon removal will need to emerge in the decades ahead.

Scaled offshore marine permaculture to grow seaweeds is widely recognised as an emerging sector with large potential to meet a range of agricultural sustainability objectives.

In this podcast, AgriFutures On Air podcast host Jayne Cuddihy speaks with Dr Brian von Herzen,  Founder and Executive Director of the Climate Foundation about his  unique deep water approach to carbon faming in Australia.

As part of the AgriFutures  Carbon Initiative Program, this project investigated construction of a marine permaculture platform, seaweed growing, carbon
sequestration rate measurements and optimal conditions for carbon sinking.

With increasing ocean temperatures and a reduction in available nutrients, there were plenty of hurdles to overcome to develop this sustainable farming practice and successfully grow seaweeds from the tip of Tasmania through to the tropics.
